There is a lot to consider when embarking on a municipal construction project: location, cost, size, future needs of the community — the list goes on and on.
At Miller Architects and Builders, we want to help your community make the right choices for your municipal building so your community is proud of the project. Here is a look at some current trends in municipal building construction that may help you determine what is best in your community:
- Think Big
Instead of just proposing the one building your community needs right now, think a little bigger. Propose multiple complementary projects that will help the city get support from more community members.
This requires more planning, but in the end, if you work with other stakeholders on various projects — both public and private — you can give the community an even bigger economic boost.
- Public Space
If your city is embarking on a new construction project, make sure there is plenty of space for the public to gather — it is a publicly funded building, after all. By providing amenities for the public, such as green space or reservable multipurpose rooms, you are more likely to gain support from more of the community, and it will be easier for the community to understand and be supportive of a project that is also for them.
- Sustainability Features
Going green is a great way to get support from community members, and help the city’s bottom line. Although some sustainable features can be a little more expensive up front, they often pay for themselves within a few years. Sustainability can be included in the construction process from the start, from materials that are picked to the layout of the building to the lightbulbs and features installed in the space.
Going green is an especially great idea for your municipal project if your city is already working on being more sustainable. It will show residents that the city is doing everything it can to be more environmentally friendly, while also urging residents to do the same.
Contact Us Today To Learn More
At Miller Architects and Builders, we strive to be a unique and trusted architect and builder for municipal projects. Our team of architects and builders has mastered the construction and architecture of a variety of these project, ranging from baseball parks to libraries, and even city halls.
Our decades of experience has given us the understanding of how important functionality and budget are to municipal building projects. We have a variety of tools to build efficient, safe, and beautiful municipal buildings to meet your needs.
To learn more, contact us today by calling 320-251-4109.