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Construction Trends for 2022 and Beyond

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The commercial construction industry moves quickly, with new trends emerging year after year. Though it’s a field that’s strongly based in a tradition of hard work and client prioritization, taking advantage of new innovations and lines of thinking can have some seriously awesome results as far as builds go.

What’s the construction industry like for 2022 and beyond? Miller Architects & Builders is here to discuss. Below, we’ll dive into a few trends to watch this year and going forward.

Modular Construction

Speedy, green, and worker-friendly, modular construction has taken the recent commercial construction field by storm. We’ve actually written an entire blog about it, so check it out to see exactly why.

In short, though, this technique involves assembling parts of the finished build in separate locations, then shipping them to the final site, where they are put together for the final build. Because it’s often completed indoors and is climate-controlled, it’s easy on workers, who are able to do their jobs more efficiently and without delay. It also enables separate parts of the project to be completed simultaneously, further increasing the project’s speed.

Living Materials

They’re sci-fi no more—materials that actively work to change the environment in or around the build they comprise. We’ve detailed some specifics in a commercial contractor blog of ours, so read up there for more fascinating info.

Living materials are rising in popularity for many reasons, one of which being their environmental friendliness. When you’ve got concrete that can heal itself and remove toxins from the air, as we detail in the linked entry above, that certainly bodes well for eco-conscious endeavors.


Need we say it again, we’ve also written a detailed entry on drones and what they’re doing for the industry. These tiny, unmanned, remote-control flying machines have been popular on the scene for years now, and given the construction worker labor shortage, they’ve only become more of a staple. Given that that shortage amounts to roughly 650,000 workers in 2022, according to Associated Builders and Contractors, drones will most likely to be stepping in to pick up any slack left behind.

Miller Architects & Builders: Innovative Architectural Design and Construction Project Management

For top-notch commercial building architects and more, look no further than your preferred Saint Paul team at Miller Architects & Builders. Reach our office today at 320-251-4109.