As snow turns to slush and we begin to feel the sun on our skin again here in the Midwest, it’s time to welcome spring! Indeed, the weather has finally become tolerable, and many Minnesotans are itching to get outdoors and revel in how darn nice it is outside.
Though we in the construction services industry appreciate the warmer weather as much as anyone else, spring isn’t all relaxing and enjoying the weather for us. At Miller Architects and Builders, our architectural design team is as hard at work as ever, working hand-in-hand with our construction project management experts to continue to produce gorgeously functional buildings. However, commercial construction managers arguably have more to worry about in the spring than do architects. As the personnel responsible for the safety of all those who work at construction sites, construction managers must now contend with new safety threats: inclement weather. Thunderstorms, rain, and even the occasional bout of snow all can create safety risks for employees, risks that require a unique skill set to mitigate.
At Miller Architects and Builders, our construction managers have mastered this skill set. Read on to discover what makes us one of the safest construction project management companies around.
We Weigh the Risks
As a joint construction project management and architectural design company, part of our mission is to provide efficient and streamlined services to our clients. However, our construction managers never compromise safety to do this. We owe it to our employees to provide a safe working environment with little to no risk, and we strive to create this environment while also respecting the client’s desires for efficient construction.
To maintain the safety of our workers in inclement weather, Miller Architects and Builders:
● Acknowledges and works to minimize fall risks | Falls are a common risk in the construction industry, and the likelihood of a fall occurring only increases when surfaces get slippery. We vow to take steps in rainy weather to keep workers safe from falls.
● Understands when the weather is unsafe | Severe storms or lightning require we change our construction approach to allow for the safety of workers. Due to our ethics, as well as OSHA regulations, we believe that everyone deserves a safe place to work.
● Watches out for the physical well-being of our workers | The capricious spring temperatures that come with inclement weather can, at times, be difficult to work in. We lend a hand to workers that may be struggling.
Contact Miller Architects and Builders for Efficient, Safety-Oriented Construction Management
Our Saint Cloud team would be happy to serve you. Give us a call now at 320-251-4109.