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What Makes a Successful Construction Project?

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The commercial construction process is beautifully complex. It takes a huge team of professionals with various skill sets: architectural design, construction project management, and even the tradesmen who are licensed to operate heavy machinery. A successful construction project cannot come to be without absolutely everyone involved working in harmony.

Of course, that’s probably obvious; any team in any industry cannot achieve a goal without clear direction and synergy. What isn’t so obvious in commercial construction is what creates this synergy—that is, on the logistical and expertise side of things, what needs to happen for a construction project to go off without a hitch.

Miller Architects & Builders, a Saint Cloud construction management company, share what we know and have practiced since 1874 below.

Quality at Every Stage

A successful construction project isn’t just about what happens after the crew gets to work on-site, as we cover in our commercial contractor blog. While, of course, that does matter—how else would the build be carried out to the architect’s and client’s specifications—a successful project hinges on care throughout the entire process.

Though some experts break the construction process down into five steps, it can be described in three overarching categories: pre-construction, construction (the actual work), and post-construction. Here’s how we maintain quality throughout those three stages—and how that leads to a successful project.


As we cover in our commercial contractor blog, this stage is more than just brainstorming and paperwork; it’s laying the metaphorical foundation for your build. We spare no effort when tackling this stage and give it just as much attention as we do the physical work to come.

From identifying problem areas to hashing out the financials, we use this stage to make sure there are as few surprises as possible in the upcoming months; you deserve to have a build that you love.

Commercial Construction

Here’s where the rubber meets the road and where our commercial construction management team’s expertise shines. We epitomize quality during this stage—the specifics of which we discuss in our blog. We strive to keep your project on schedule, work within budget parameters, and have a vast network of subcontractors to choose from so you always get the best fit for the job.


A successful build is one you know how to use to your advantage. That’s why, for us, the post-construction phase is involved. Our blog details what you can expect from us after your build is done. The short version: We continue a supportive contractor/client relationship by ensuring proper seasonal testing is performed and scheduling a follow-up meeting to get your final thoughts and fulfill any final requests.

Synergy Is Communication in Disguise

Success in commercial construction involves open communication, which involves a lot of leg work on the part of the construction management company. Why is it important to do this work?

It Ensures no Details Are Missed

In construction, every little bit matters. Cutting corners anywhere in the process, or failing to tie up loose ends, can snowball into a much bigger problem with the building’s structural integrity further down the line.

Open communication with all parties involved—from the architect to the builders themselves—ensures that absolutely nothing is missed, as it helps to hold everyone accountable for their work.

It Gives the Team the Resources it Needs for Success

When workers, architects, and managers alike feel that communication channels are open, they will not shy away from asking for help or clarifying instructions when needed. This gives everyone the tools, both physical and otherwise, that they need to do their jobs.

It Leads to Client Satisfaction

At Miller, we understand how a new commercial building can feel like the dawning of an era for your business. We want to make sure that it’s everything you ever dreamed of. How are your dreams going to come to fruition if they aren’t communicated?

Looking for a Communicative Construction Company? You’ve Found Us!

Miller Architects & Builders of Saint Cloud has been in business since 1874, and we have no doubt that our open dialogue with our clients has been a part of what’s made that possible. If you’re ready to work with the most communicative in construction, contact us today at 320-251-4109.